Showing 21 Result(s)

Cheap Trick @ The Starland Ballroom

The Starland Ballroom Will be seeing Cheap Trick again @ The Starland! Should be cool! Then I am jetting up to New Brunswick for the Olive Branch’s Back To School Coors Light Party! Come join me! Thursday, September 16, 2004 · Doors 7:30PM Cheap Trick with Suffrajett An 18 to enter, 21 to drink show. …

Star Wars Trilogy DVD Changes

TheForce.Net: ” Less than a week away and the news is coming out about the Star Wars box set! I think some of the changes are kind of pointless, but interesting all the same! -Rob List of Star Wars Trilogy DVD Changes: The Sept’04 issue of the french magazine ‘Les Annes Laser – Le Magazine …

September 11th 2004

A Day To Remember The view from our house of the two light beams that illuminated the sky in memorial of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York’s World Trade Center. What more can you say, a day to reflect and look back at what happened. It really hit me comming home driving up north …


Believe it or not my bud Chris Lee has named his fantasy football team .  It was a last minute idea of mine, and he went with it!  Formally the team was called Fat Alverez (a mistake a few years ago that stuck when someone thought Lee said that, but wanted the name Fat …

New Sub Division?

Gleny and everyone else has been quit with our on going self portrait contest! Props to Gleny for picking up the ball again and getting a new category going! 🙂 Also, Gleny stopped by the Boathouse and showed me his amazing new car! I really loved it and was surprised how roomy a mini can …