Showing 461 Result(s)

Coors Light Billboard 2006

Summer is here again and that can only mean one thing, the new Coors Light Billboard is up! I think it came out pretty cool this year. Jacqui over at Shore Point Distributors came up with the concept and tag line and I did the shoot this year at The Headliner a few months ago. …

Pixar – One Man Band

I have been waiting MONTHS to see this Pixar Short and was excited to see it was being released before Cars! It was shown at the MOMA in NYC for the Pixar exhibition when I went, but I missed the showing of the short! I never bought something so fast on itunes! Well worth the …

Andrew At the Bat

Nicky, Jos and I went to the ballpark to check out my nephews baseball skills! He is pretty awesome and we got to see TWO games because he got called up to the next level for a fill in player! Great Job Andrew!

Farewell Bucky

Bucky is a near and dear to me treasure as I grew up. He is a wooden statute from Dartmouth College, where my uncle had attended and was a gift to my grandmother and father. When I would go visit my grandmother as a kid, I would always be drawn to him. Lets face it, …

Rain Out!

Wednesday’s Yankees-Red Sox game in New York has been postponed due to rain, and no makeup date has been set. DRATS! I am a fan of the Yankees/Boston Rivalry and when RD invited me to go with some kick ass tickets, how can I say no! O well, hopefully I can go to the makeup …

Next – Pixar – Ratatouille

(ra-ta-tou-ye) This should be interesting! Very curious to see what direction this is going to go in 🙂 Brad Bird is amazing! The title does not seem very Pixar! We will see! RATATOUILLE is currently slated for a June 29, 2007 release. It’s co-directed by Brad Bird (you know, he directed IRON GIANT and THE …


Well, As Chris put it… 5 days ’til Cars! So get used to a TON of posts about the new Pixar movie Cars this week! It getting great reviews and with all Pixar movies I am very excited to see it! First up the pics from the primiere French Site Again :(! – Première …

Jack Sparrow Joins The Crew

I have been DYING to see the new Pirates Of The Caribbean with Jack Sparrow added to the ride! It sounds pretty damn cool and I can’t wait to see this new figure in action! Here are a few pictures and sites I found with a preview of the new referbed ride! The new movie …

Sirius Pulls Even With XM; Stern Is The Reason

A new technology poll from Jacobs Media says XM and Sirius are now equally popular, but the momentum — largely driven by Howard Stern — is shifting toward Sirius. Overall satellite radio subscribership increased from 7% in 2005 to 12% in this year’s survey of rock listeners. But when compared to other new media — …