Showing 461 Result(s)

WPLJ Summer Kick Off With The Beach Boys

Another Year, Another WPLJ Summer Kick Off with Scott And Todd! 🙂 This is at least my 7th year covering this massive Jenkinson’s event. In the past, I have shot it for Jenks, but the past two years, Coors Light have hired me to cover the event. It kind of SUCKS waking up at 5am, …

Cars from Pixar, Second trailer

The second trailer of Cars froml Pixar is available. Chris was telling me about it the other day and I just got sround to checking it out! Pixar tends to kind of piss me off most of the times. You never really have a clue about any of thier movies until a month before they …

Pixar’s Magic Man – John Lasseter

John Lasseter and his merry band of animators have a way with blockbusters. The master storyteller explains how he does it – and how he plans to sprinkle some of that Pixar dust at Disney. NEW YORK (FORTUNE) – Here’s the scene: It’s 3 P.M., Wednesday, Jan. 25, in Sound Stage 7 on the studio …

Nintendo Wii’s World Wide Web

Nintendo and Opera team up to take Wii users to the Internet. Learn how it’s all going to work in this exclusive interview. May 23, 2006 At the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2006, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed that its forthcoming Wii console would be able to access the Web with the Opera browser. Iwata said …

Mets Home Opener 2006

I am happy to report, the tradition continues!!! Jos Nicholas and I headed out to Shea Stadium with Frank and the girls for the Mets 2006 Home Opener! I believe this is the 4th or 5th year in a row that we have attended this grand event! Some years we hit it good where it …